Our Philosophy
Colorado Counsel LLC is not your average business law firm. Using an innovative approach, our firm offers top-notch legal counsel at reasonable rates. Here's how we stay ahead of the competition and help you do the same.

Low overhead equals lower rates.
At Colorado Counsel, you won't find lavish offices, expensive cars, excessive staffing, or over-the-top office parties. We focus on serving clients efficiently, and none of that stuff helps us do so. Instead, we strive to keep our costs low so we can offer excellent service at lower rates. Doesn't that sound like a better use of your money?
Order a la carte or splurge for the full meal deal. The choice is yours.
Although we are happy to provide a full-scope legal representation, Colorado Counsel also offers unbundled legal services, in which a legal matter is broken down into its component tasks, with the firm providing representation on some of these tasks and the client taking the lead on others. Unbundling offers clients customized solutions and unprecedented cost savings. It also makes our legal system more accessible and affordable for all. In recent years, industries as diverse as airlines, wireless providers, newspapers, music, and financial services have each found ways to unbundle their services and repackage them in a manner that better serves their customers' needs. We believe we can offer our clients similar strategic advantages by using an unbundled model where appropriate. While it means a little more paperwork for us, we think it's worth it if it means better options for you.

Flat fee and retainer-based services
Consider the hypothetical law firm of Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe ("DCH"). DCH charges $400 an hour. Thing is, only about half of DCH's clients ultimately pay their exorbitant bills. DCH writes off the other half as unpaid receivables and passes the cost of these losses onto its paying clients in the form of higher rates. The net effect is that paying clients pay double in order to subsidize non-paying clients, and the firm ends up clearing $200 an hour on average. On the other hand, if DCH refined its billing and collections practices, the firm could charge all its clients a more reasonable rate and still generate the same revenue. Everybody wins.
At Colorado Counsel, you won't pay anyone else's way. We use a retainer-based billing system to keep our rates low, and offer flat fee options to improve transparency, predictability, and accountability. In some cases, we also engage clients on a contingent fee basis. Yet another way we can offer effective and affordable legal services.
Creative, cost-effective solutions
In a perfect world, you could minimize risk, maximize return, and keep customers happy all at the same time. In reality, these are competing interests, where improvements to one generally come only at the expense of another. Colorado Counsel endeavors to keep each of these interests in mind as we craft strategic solutions to your most pressing problems. When we draft contracts, we skip the "legalese" in favor of clear, concise language that everyone can understand, reducing the likelihood of future disputes. And when disputes do arise, we use our expertise and multi-faceted approach to resolve them quickly and effectively so you can get back to business.